Monday, August 18, 2008

The ol' switcheroo

Girlfriends kill blogs.
Single people put messages on t-shirts.

These statement are true. I plan on putting them on t-shirts.

Ever see the episode of Seinfeld where George and Elaine switch lives? George becomes all successful and charming and elaine becomes the loser and Jerry has everything even out?. This is happening with Warford and Me.
I am the only one out of the group that is single and I am finding it exceedingly awkward around women. I have also started spilling shit on me. I wear a nice white t-shirt out to the coffee hangout tonight and walk out of the place wearing a tie-dye red and white number that Jack White would be proud of.

In one month I'll be cleaning this apartment for the last time. Then I'll be moving into a house. A big, empty house. It kinda bums me out because I have no furniture to put in it. I am also nervous that the size of the place will make me feel lonely. Come visit me when I move to airport heights... If it isn't out of your way.

I have been singing Joel Plaskett songs in my head for the past week. This week it has been Fur Packed Action. A few lines have been on repeat....

-Now I'm doing everything I've accused you of
Wallowing in harmful feelings
It's ok, It's alright, Another day, another night
I'm a punk, I can take it

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