The thing is, I AM in a band. We just haven't played a gig in about 3 years. We got together and jammed back before Xmas with the intention of playing a show during the holidays but much like the million other bands trying to stage a comeback, it fizzled early in its stages.
This is not the first band I was in. Since high school, I have been trying to get a piece of the giant hash block that is rock stardom. This dream has all but been disassembled. I'm 27. Kurt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, and Janis Joplin were ALL dead at 27. This is my year to die of Rock n' Roll excess. My rock n' roll excess now consists of drinking too much Crown Royal, singing "You may be right" By Billy Joel at the Grumpy Stump via Karaoke then going home, passing out and pissing the bed.
I moved out of my apartment last week (I'll speak more on that in a future post) I stumbled across a few cassette tapes in a closet. Once I found something that I own that plays cassette tapes, I turned a few of them on to hear what was on them. After hearing a couple of mixtapes of songs that I haven't heard in a long time I came across an "Underground Chaos" tape. People who are old friends of mine will recognize the name immediately. This was the band I was in during High School.. Yes. This was the actual name. We later renamed the band "Coilhead" but "U.C.", as we liked to be called (but no one did) as what people remember.
It sounded so shitty. Imagine the half-retarded mini-pop that sings shitty but they keep him in cause his studdering sounds like scatman. Got that? Now picture him singing "Man in the Box" by Alice in Chains. This was the band.
The drummer moved to Labrador in 1997 and the band never recovered. He owned a bus that we used to drink beer and play our shitty music in. With that gone the whole band seemed pointless. I stole the drummer's girlfriend. I didn't like me for a while. I'm an asshole . As this blog matures, this fact will become more evident.
Here is a pic from 1998 or 1999. It was at a battle of the bands. This was an impromptu U.C. reunion during sound check.. Dennis (U.C.'s) guitarist, is playing the drums.