This post was written on Saturday, July 26 @ 8:23 P.M. in Goose Bay Labrador. The shady lodging that i am staying in has no internet so I’ll post this as soon as I can find unsecured wireless. As stupid as I think people are for not putting a password on their wireless connection, I thank them every time I go on the road for work. I am not sure the name of the place I am staying in while I am here but it is attached to this club called “The Hillbilly Ranch” It’s title is a direct result of its clientele. Not many people I have seen there have all their teeth. Seriously. I got totally wasted there on wednesday night. Bobby got pretty drunk too. I can’t really remember what happened during the tail end of the evening. Thursday night was ladies night. That was just fuckin’ retarded. A lot of natives there. Not one one of them worth looking at twice, let alone attempting receiving sexual contact from them. I am well aware of the time that has elapsed since my last encounter I’d never forgive myself if I sunk that low. Someone wanted to have sex with one of them though. I saw them do it. Between the side of the building and the side of my company van. I wanted to yell, or cheer or do something, but they saw me and didn’t stop so I figured it wasn’t worth it. The job is going very quickly and I expect to be home sooner than I anticipated. Still not soon enough. It is hotter than a four-balled tomcat. Read that last sentence out loud, with a southern accent. Clever. Seriously, it climbs into the mid 30s here in the afternoon. At 6 P.M. it was 29 degrees. No wind either. The natives drink their beer warm. Even in this weather. They can have it.
I feel like I am missing someone but it seems I have no one to miss. I miss you Hope to see you soon, whoever you are...
I leave for Labrador in the morning... As if this summer couldn't get any more fucked up. When I wanted to go on the road to work I was posted in town where I was miserable and lonely. My sister comes home from halfway around the world and I get sent to Goose Bay. I don't think I know anyone from Goose Bay or even Labrador for that matter so I shouldn't have to apologize for making the place seem shitty. In my life, right now, It's a bigger shithole than that bar on Tilton Barrens. "The Pine Grove" is the name (I think). That was a tangent. The worst part of going there is coming back. There will be no one waiting for me at the airport. Yet the world keeps turning...
Andy Samburg isn't funny. I feel bad for Tom Hanks in this sketch. If it was anyone else there, it would have sucked horribly.
Did anyone go to Salmon Fest? Am I and all my friends too old for that racket or was it just too shitty for any of my peers to attend. Blue Rodeo would have been nice to see but not @ salmon fest. I wanna hear fuckin' rock @ that venue.
I considered deleting the post entitled "lemon post". I was quite bitter at that time for all the wrong reasons. I eventually decided to leave it there. I don't want to forget my experiences in the past 2 months because I'll probably be in a similar situation later in my life and leaving it there will provide perspective. My memory sucks so bad.
Things are looking up. I have met some really interesting people recently and thoughts of them have been taking over my consciousness instead of the bullshit that has been driving me nuts for the past while. It's the first time I have been happy in so long and feels so good.
I hope this doesn't become a Friday night ritual. I was pleased that Shandera took part though. If you have me on facebook you will see pictures of what happened afterwards. I am glad the pictures were taken because otherwise I would have had no idea what happened. Yeah, it was that bad.
I did a Boone's chug on Friday night. I am too old for this. Andrew Butler made this point obvious. I drank a bottle of Sangria, which wasn't carbonated. Paul Warford unfortunately drank Strawberry Hill, which is carbonated. The carbonation made him burp, frequently. We made a video to preserve the moment. Probably wasn't a good idea. Especially when I thought to put it on youtube. Here it is. I appologize in advance.
I hope to one day be able to date women. It seems that I was doing it wrong before. Apparently being nice and a gentleman isn't the way to go. It seems women like drunk, abnoxious, annoying, broke assholes. I think I am at the pinnacle of my bitterness.... and I hate every minute of it
10 years ago I went to Quebec City for the second time. Being an experienced partier in the region from the year before, i thought I was going to rule Chemin Ste. Foy... Or at least run down it naked. Neither happened. I did meet a wonderful girl though. She was from Victoria B.C. but she was born in The Philippines. She was shorter than me and looked up me with brown eyes that made me forget what i was talking about when they met mine. The connection we made was something I cannot explain and I haven't felt since. It seemed that we had so much in common (as much as a Filipino and a Newfie can have, I suppose) It felt like I always had something to talk about and everything that came from my lips felt right. I turned on a Philosopher Kings CD today and this is where this post evolved. They were a relatively new band on the go at the time and we were both surprised that the other person liked them. I didn't have the album for very long at the time. We were in her room one evening and she put on the CD. "This is one of my favorites" she said. A beautiful, sad song filled the room and I loved it. I loved everything about that moment. The song was terribly sad and wouldn't be played in any romantic setting but I didn't care. It just felt right. The first few chords played on the piano instantly bring me back to that moment and to one of happier moments in my life. I must admit, the song's lyrics have taken a different meaning because of recent events in my life but nonetheless, My first thoughts are of her and that July evening. After that month, I went back to Newfoundland and never saw her again. We tried to keep in touch but our expanding lives got in the way and we lost touch. We recently got back in contact via facebook. She's a Doctor now in Calgary. That didn't surprise me in the least. She was/is very smart and ambitious. So this is for you Jazmin.
So I was talking to someone the other day and they were kind of surprised that I didn't have a back-up. What I mean by that is an agreement with a person where if neither was married by a certain age that they would marry each other. I think that is the most insensitive thing ever. It's like saying "I don't like you enough to be your mate now, but if I live to be 30 or 35 or whatever and I am still single, I'll settle for you. I shouldn't be writing about things like this. I am far too much of a bitter person right now to weigh these things out carefully.
A best friend of mine writes a blog. It is quite popular. Snippets are published weekly in a newspaper that is free. Free newspapers get read more than ones you pay for. I assume. It only makes sense. His blog is very true to his form. He has the ability to put himself out there and deal with it. A while back he wrote a post about a girl he had a crush on the worked at a coffee shop. That particular snippet ends up in the newspaper and soon enough my friend gets messages from the particular girl. Blows me away. It wouldn't go down like that in a well-written sitcom, let alone real life. It's like a Jennifer Aniston movie. I can't talk about my crushes like that. This is probably why he has had sex with more women than me.
Decisions have been the bane of my existence. Mom tells me about when I was a kid and we would go to the ice cream store and I would be so torn on whether to get rainbow or rocky road that I would rather have no ice cream at all than decide. Not much has changed.
Listen to Joel Plaskett's "Ashtray Rock" album from end to end. I have probably mentioned this before so now I am reminding you. I don't know about anyone else but I can relate to every song on this record in one way or another. I could only wish to write a record like that.
27 is too late to start taking part in the century club. I did this last night. I was stoked. I had made the mix tape. 100 1-minute clips of songs. Every time the song changed you had to drink a shot glass of beer 100 shot glasses of beer makes me pretty loaded evidently. I was the only participant to finish the activity. Does that make me the winner? Didn't feel like it. I passed out. Then another game was played. Throw beer stoppers at Peter's lifeless carcass until he wakes up. Dennis Short won that game with a precision throw that beaned me in the temple. Until that point I was unaware of the game. Actually, I was unaware of the game until I sat up and showered beer stoppers onto the floor. Paul Warford is a cheater, although he didn't know it. His shot glass was a trick one or something like that. Me and Dennis realized something was up when We got to about the 25th shot. Warford was just opening his 2nd beer and we had several emptied. Turns out the shot glass he had held about 1/3 of an ounce. It must be like the shot glasses they use in strip clubs. It always a rip-off there. This morning I am trying to recall the night. I am having trouble differentiating between what actually happened and stuff I might have dreamed.