Saturday, December 13, 2008

Future, revealed

I plan on making a compilation of my favorite SNL sketches and placing them on this blog. They won't be all my favorites. Some of them I have been unable to find on the internet and they are quite old. There will be a couple from the Jason Bateman episode. I'm really looking forward to doing this. Because I am a geek. An SNL geek. My sister owns Trivial Pursuit - SNL Edition. I have only played a complete game of it once. It is hard to get people to play. Kirk Bussey has been the only person who looks forward to playing it with me.
At the end of the only game I played, I got to the centre place on the board and the game clinching question was about to be asked. This is what it was.
"What is the name of the Chris' Farley character who 'lives in a van down by the river'"
I was wearing a shirt at the time that had those words printed on it. I am geek. I won.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

In Flight Disappointment

The posts should be coming fast and furious. This week was eventful.

I went on the road this week.
The place.

You go to Fortune if you want to go to St. Pierre. I wouldn't necessarily recommend spending any time in either of those places. The only upside to Fortune is that it is a great place to get cheap St. Pierre liquor. Obtaining a crock of Gin was one of my two objectives on this trip. The other being getting the fuck out of there in a timely manner. While I didn't get any liquor, I did get salt fish splits. I don't like 'em but the old man lost his shit when he found out that I got him some.

Since 2004, I have been waiting for In Flight Safety to return to St. John's to perform a show. This past Friday, they played at the Ship. I had tickets well in advance. After a well-timed series of events, I watched them take the stage at around 1:30. They played a short set.... Probably the shortest set out of the the three acts that took the stage. They played three songs that weren't on their new album. Although I enjoyed hearing new IFS, I would have liked to hear a song off their first record. I discovered the band through that album. It would have been nice to hear at least one song off that E.P. And, as if to rub it in my face, they get up to do an encore and do two cover songs. One of them being "99 Luftbaloons" I was ready to leave at that point. I wasn't going to go to the second show. I wanted to go to the second show after the first show because the first show was so disappointing and I didn't want to have that taste left in my mouth. I have since convinced myself that the second show would probably be the same.
Shame on the works of ya...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Point the headstock towards the sky!!!!

I am sick of you going into music stores and exclaiming to the clerk that your kid can play guitar hero on expert and therefore needs a real guitar because they have "natural talent". Your kid is good at video games, not music. Anyone who thinks shredding the solo to "welcome to the jungle" is same as hitting plastic coloured buttons should be kicked in the nuts. I'm not against these games. I'm against the parents who are too stupid or out of touch to know the difference.

The drums work though. Since I started playing drums on Rockband, my skills on an actual drum kit have drastically improved, especially in regard to the kick drum.

I always wondered if the musicians who have music in these games play their own songs in the game. I found this.... goes to show how much the parents know....