Saturday, January 31, 2009

"Wake up! Who cares about, little boys who talk too much."

I tried being a vegetarian. I was doing well. I didn't miss meat at all.... Tastebud-wise. My body, however, missed it. Red meat is an excellent source of iron and I am lacking. I have started eating it again, but not regularly. twice a week at the most. If you got moose in your freezer that you are looking to get rid of, send it over.

Syrup Turnip can't make sound effects. It's one of the cuter things she does. That and when she crosses her eyes.

We like this song.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

A.D.D. post #1 for 2009. (Don't get excited)

I first thought that no one read this blog. Then I thought only a couple of friends read this blog. Now it seems there is a human being who shouldn't be reading my blog, yet, they are. I don't know what I could be saying that would interest him/her. I do not lead a sit-com style life like Paul Warford. I just really like SNL.

I am considering placing this piece of literary trash in some kind of "lock mode". I find this ridiculous. I never wanted to know who was reading my blog. If I know who you are, then I have apologize to you for having wasted your time reading my bullshit every time I see you. I guess you'll know if I do this.
I know other people that do this with their blog. Perhaps they could give me tips on how to set up/run this efficiently.

My posts are becoming less and less frequent. It's not that I am abandoning this project. It was a combination of me having continuous sex and not-continuous internet. One of those things has changed. I bought a router.

Earlier this fall, I was writing comedy pieces. I will never perform them. For one, I can't deliver them. I stop and do "um"s and "err"s. Secondly, I told a joke that I was sure was funny to Syrup Turnip and she didn't bat an eye. Immediately started talking about something else. I wasn't hurt. I just knew right then and there that it wasn't my thing. It was about sports, on television. Maybe the wrong crowd to pitch the idea? Whatever.

I can't recall telling you guys to listen to something for a while. Here's a band that is broke up and never released a record. In fact, this may be the only recording of their music in existence.

The Haters - Wrapped

Being a gentleman is understanding when "no" is the answer, accepting it, then moving on to other things.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Century Club!!

I didn't embarass myself again... yet
This marks my 100th post. I have been eying the "99" on the dashboard for quite some time. I kept holding off. The 100th post has to be something great. Like the 100th episode special on WKRP in Cincinnati. Bigger than Loni Anderson's hair.
I almost posted a very terrible entry about "ol' Red Beard". He has been a nuisance for me for some time now. If you don't know who I am talking about, it's no odds. I'm not wasting my time explaining him to you. I'm also not going to waste my (and your) time tearing him up in my blog. He needs to deal with some issues. He makes me feel uncharacteristic.

I promised that I would show SNL clips. I found the ones I want to show but i need to edit them out of the whole episode and make them into snack-sized doses. It's hard to find SNL clips on Youtube. Instead of finding Will Ferrell, you find this. I think she looks kinda like Anne-Marie Bourgeois.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Favorite Christmas Quote

Jennah: "Do you know what an Urban Legend is?"
Emma: "No..."
Jennah: "It's when Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy come on the same night."