Monday, June 21, 2010

On Lady Gaga...

Me:"...and that's ALL she was wearing."
Sarah: "You can't care about what Lady Gaga is wearing. It's like that boy in your class that plays with himself. You just gotta look away and say 'they can't help it'".

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Me (Talking about recent death): and the guy that invented the ATM died last week.
Sarah: Ass to Mouth?
Me (chock full of sarcasm) Yes. The guy who invented Ass to Mouth died last week.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


My wife talks to Google. They don't get along. I guess she doesn't like it when someone is constantly picking out her mistakes.
Sarah : {tap, tap, tap, click} *sigh* "I know I spelt it wrong, you don't need to tell me. My finger slipped."

Sunday, March 28, 2010

I like to call her Clyde

Claire emerges from the hallway and flops herself down on the loveseat. She looks at me and says:
"I like your bathroom because I look at a picture of Paul Warford while I'm taking a shit"

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My obsession with pinball has started to worry me. I had a dream last night that a place opened near where I live that had all kinds of pinball machines and it was a truly wonderful dream.
I have started searching kijiji for pinball machines in Atlantic Canada.

Friday, March 12, 2010


Sarah: "I have a black man inside of me.
Me: "A black man inside of you???"
Sarah (Smiling): "A big, fat, hairy black man inside of me."

Monday, March 8, 2010


Heard from across the room (Presumably when Sarah read the previous post)

(In a really high pitch, squealing voice)
"Peter!!! I can't believe you wrote that!!! I didn't mean it like that"

It kinda made it funny all over again.

On voyeurism....

Me: "We had sex with the drapes open."
Sarah: "Yeah, but it was all the way in there."
Me: "But those Asian people got funny cameras"
Sarah: "They got funny eyes!"

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

1.. 2.. 1 2 3 4

My wife just told me that she has never heard this song...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Weekend not updated

NBC is hurting. They are cutting corners everywhere they can. Saturday Night Live is not exempt.

Here is Keenan Thompson doing a Bill Cosby impression in the fall of 2009.

Here is a shot from October 1995

I wonder how many other people have worn this?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Holy Matrimony!

They are getting married....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rediculous request

Help me find out the name of this song!!

In my dream last night

Sarah: I've got an idea!!
Me: Yeah?
Sarah: A great big idea!.. A great big figure skating idea!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gold... Pure Gold

Anyone remember this show? I have been looking for this for years. Then I forgot about it and got married. I just remembered it again over Christmas.

Spoken over dinner...

Sarah: "I know this is skeety, but, when I get off the plane in Newfoundland this Summer, all I want is Don Cherry's nachos and a big ol' bag of weed."

Friday, January 1, 2010

That's 2009...

Rock the Block

I am making some electronic songs. Most people will hate them. I am using samples from this song.

Some people shouldn't have anything to do with music. Like Shane here....

Just Awsome indeed.